January 2025 Newsletter

Market Minute

Location, Location, Location…

A recent article by JP Morgan highlighted some important factors real estate investors should consider when planning new projects. “‘Location drives appreciation, rental income and overall return on investment,’ said Brooke Richartz, Senior Regional Sales Manager at Chase.”

These factors include demand drivers (employment, demographic trends, infrastructure), supply factors, capital markets strength, full cycle performance and the regulatory environment in the target area.

As it pertains to the state of Utah, we have noticed that as major cities (Salt Lake City, Provo, Ogden) become more densely populated and rents rise, price conscious renters have been looking for opportunities to commute. They generally opt to travel 30-45 minutes to these larger cities where their employer is located, in exchange for lower rents.

Click here to read the full article.

As you and your team explore new opportunities to develop or acquire multifamily real estate, we would love to assist in the process by putting together a complimentary proforma. Click the button below to get in touch with us.

‘Nxt Level’

Annual Leadership Conference

Recently, our property leaders and corporate team participated in a 3-day leadership conference. There, we learned about different leadership models, and how to create and align personal and organizational visions.

A big emphasis for Nxt in 2025 also includes going back to basics. Mastery of the basics is the building blocks for a successful leader in multifamily real estate. These 5 areas of focus tie into some of our core values: Best in Class Customer Service (Be Loving), Industry Leading Leasing and Sales (Act Boldly), Clean Financials (Choose Wisely), Preventative Maintenance and Asset Preservation (Mind the Store), and Resident Happiness (Express Gratitude).

Value of the Month

This year, we want to introduce a new section to our newsletter—Value of the Month. Nxt’s mission: Serving You Like Family and our values (Be Loving, Choose Wisely, Perform Together, Act Boldly, Express Gratitude and Mind the Store) are the foundation of what and why we do what we do. Our team members do an incredible job of embodying these attributes at the properties we manage.

Each month we would like to highlight one of these values and share an experience from one of our team members and how they were able to illustrate the value in a tangible way.

Ask the Editor

As we begin 2025, we want to remind all our readers that this last section is reserved for you and the questions you may have about property management or real estate in general. Do you want statistics regarding a certain topic? Do you want to know more about construction pipelines, demographic trends or anything else?

Feel free to ask any questions about the apartment world to sales@nxtmgt.com and we would love to feature and answer the question in next month’s newsletter.

Until next time,


February 2025 Newsletter


December 2024 Newsletter